Meet Dr. Robin Roberts
Learning and teaching were my earliest passions, and I began my career path intending to be a teacher. My first graduate degrees– A Master of Arts in Jewish Studies from Hebrew Union College and a PhD in Comparative Literature from UCLA – prepared me for the professorship I sought.
My love of literature was more than academic. I was drawn to universal themes of human conflict and growth in adversity, and struck by the recurrence of characters and story patterns in
different cultures. Time and again, the deeply personal experience was universal. In both my academic work and personal
psychotherapy with a Jungian analyst, I was introduced to the works of CG Jung and depth psychology. By the time I completed my
dissertation, working with two psychoanalysts as advisers, I knew that I would change my career path, and returned to school for one
more degree. My Masters in Social Welfare enabled me to combine my analytic and literary background with clinical skills ...more -->
Exploring the Mind-Body Connection:
Conscious thought is just one aspect of the mind, facilitated by
higher brain functions. The unconscious mind exists in the lower
brain functions and is expressed in dreams, conditioned responses,
and physical symptoms and behaviors. Western or allopathic medicine inherited the Greek Gnostic philosophy and practice of drawing a separation between the physical and spiritual aspects of human experience. This distinction remains with us today, in the arbitrary and stigmatized distinction between medical and mental disorders, and the exclusion of psychiatry and psychology from full participation in medical care and insurance coverage. Once you understand that we do not have a single feeling, thought, or behavior that is not mediated by the physical body, you can no longer make this division. ...more -->
Healing via Somatic Psychotherapies:
With the insight gained by research in recent years, the idea of
Therapy is no longer resctricted to the proverbial “doctor’s couch.”
Somatic Psychotherapy utilizes the Mind-Body Connection in the use
of real, tactile experiences to achieve desired therapeutic goals.
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